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Timișoara - Conferința 2014

Momente importante surprinse in imagini.

Charity Show on behalf of Mihai MARGHITAS Timisoara

Charity Show Timisoara UNIFERO 2014 Awards ceremony

Mr Andy PAN China presenting his business

Mr Andy PAN meeting with Mrs Daiana BUZATU Director of Timisoara Chamber of Commerce

Mr Ioan GODJA radioTV Unirea Austria at UNIFERO 7th Conference

Mr. Sevastian BALESCU addressing teh Conference participants

Mrs Dorina DEUTCH Israel being awarded the UNIFERO DIPLOMA for constant support of the women’s rights

Mrs. Dorin DEUTCH Israel reading the message of the Romanian Ambassador to Tel Aviv

Mrs. Dorina DEUTCH Director UNIFERO Israel Branch

Norica GODJA addressing the 7th Conference

Prof Delia RADMANASTEAN and nephew Anton , an Oregami expo, Elena

Prof Maria & Ioan VISOSCHI from Valenii de Munte receiving UNIFERO Diplomas